BPMpathway – Rehabilitation to go
BPMpathway is a digital rehabilitation support for knee and hip patients using a movement sensor.
You receive digital advices remotely before and after surgery through the app. Based on this you can continue your personalized pre- and postoperative rehabilitation at home.
This makes you actively involved in your treatment pathway which can contribute to improve your outcome.
See how BPMpathway assists your rehabilitation at home
How it works
Exercise at home
Meet your individual needs
Stay connected
BPMpathway enables consistent communication between you and your clinician. The care team will have access to reporting of movements, pain levels and points of discomfort throughout the range of motion. The data.
It provides you strong communication link to your care team during the pre-and postoperative period which could help to reduce stress and anxiety
Your benefits at a glance
Ease of use
Personalized pre-and postoperative support program with easy to understand instructions and videos.
Reassuring ongoing communication with the clinician throughout the rehabilitation phase.
What patients think about it?
„BPMpathway motivates me to do my physiotherapy!“
„It monitors all the movement of my leg. The technology is absolutely fantastic.’“
„It is beneficial for me, because I can see an improvement every day.“
What professionals think about it?
„It‘s like having your physio in your own home.“
„This will close a gap in the follow-up of patients.“
BPMpathway and the BPMpro Swirly are EU-registered trademarks of 270 Vision Limited.